Welcome To Angkor Drivers

Welcome to cambodia ! The Kingdom of wonder, land, nation rich in tradition, cultural, historical, heritage, archeological treasures and natural beauty, the kingdom offers you unique opportunity to see ancient temples including fabled of Angkor ruin. Angkor is the largest religious building in the world. Through this website, i would like to give you some informations about the land of my birth and city, Siem Reap-Angkor, Cambodia, around temples complex, please enjoy now !

Hello or ” johm riab sua “. Visitors will have no trouble adjusting to locals customs. When the Cambodians meet, they clasp their hands at their chest level and say ” johm riab sua ” which is the Khmer expression for greeting and saying ” hello “. Out of respect for the elderly, we bow our heads slightly forward, bowing to them. It is not customary to shake a person’s hand to say ” hello ” as Westerners do.

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My name is Bun Long and was born in Siem Reap where i have been living since my childhood. I am officially lisence english and spanish speaking driver for the region of Siemp Reap and it’s surroundings. I will be very happy to take you to discover archaeological temples of Angkor and other visits like the Siem Reap city, authentics villages at the countryside to see the way of life of the local peoples, local markets, villages on Tonle Sap Lake like Kompong Phluk or Kompong Kleang ( village on stilts ), visiting Buddhist monasteries to see how the monks live, handy-crafts workshops: wood and stones carving, silk farm … etc.

Angkor Tour

Floating Village

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Morbi purus magna, volutpat sed nunc cursus, posuere porttitor est. Nullam molestie enim quis turpis commodo tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. In vitae consectetur nibh. Fusce facilisis metus eleifend ante pretium tincidunt.

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Phone: +855 97 839 3765 | Email: longangkordriver@gmail.com
Website: www.angkordrivers.net